Production System
Intensive Production, Protecting the Environment
Cattle Breeding
Agriculture - Cattle Breeding Integration
Best Quality, minimal Environmental Impact
Dairy Production
From Land to Consumer

- Quality assurance from the sowing to the feeding trough.
- Diets designed by local and foreign nutritionists.
- FEED WATCH: Electronic systems to control the preparation and consumption of food.
- State-of-the-art machinery for efficiently mixing and feeding the animals’ diet.
- Control of food and diets using NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy).
- Absolute traceability of the roundup from birth by means of electronic chips.
- Completely protocolized health management of the different categories of animals.
- Separate management of animals undergoing antibiotics treatments (separate corral and milking yard).
- Specialized veterinarians (clinical practice, reproduction, prevention).
- Individual electronic identification of each animal’s production history.

- Feeding troughs and sleeping places for each of our cows (free stall system).
- Low-mineral drinking water.
- Sprinkling and ventilation with electronic temperature control.
- Rubber flooring in the transit and eating areas.
- Care from our staff for the welfare of the animals.
- 24-hour access to fresh food.
- Daily individual control of the production.
- Estrus detection using podometry as a complement for visual detection.
- Selection of the parents of our animals in the interest of powdered milk production.
- Use of world-class bulls.
- Use of sex-sorted semen in most of our heifers.
- Embryo-transfer project through in-vitro fertilization techniques.
- Use of genomes to select our oocyte donors for the embryo-transfer program.